Soviet Union was a wonderful State. Russia was magnificent as a part of it. Back then we did not know what was going to happen. In the 80s intrusion of the Dark Forces on your land from the lower earth of Mars, which America is a part of, increased. Both the Dark energy and lower beings seeped through, consequences of which was the emergence of people that consider America an exemplary state. Eventually it all led to the world changing for worse and the collapse of the USSR. Because of it earthquakes, storms and floods settled over the world. The Moon is contemplating it even now.
The World Map Will Be Reshaped
Drastic changes are taking place on our planet, which is fortified by abundant evidence. It is not rare for many countries to build their political course and economy in a way that is harmful to themselves and humanity because of lack of trustworthy information and explanation as well as deep misunderstandings of these changes. Nature protection agencies, politicians, economists, scientists do not pay attention to ‘natural signs’ that have become more frequent recently.
Earth Shocks Happen Only in the Subway
Kazakhstani bioenergetician and Higher Powers channeller Galiya Kerey is confident that Almaty is in no danger of earthquakes either now or in the distant future.
“Over the recent years there have been many earthquakes in Almaty. They have been ‘sewing up’ the tectonic fissures”, says Galiya Kerey. “Shallow ‘ripples’ of earth shocks attest that centers of seismic activity are being neutralized. If specialists create a new seismic map, they will see a completely different image, which is none of the old tectonic fissures”.
Latin according to Galiya Kerey’s information from the Heavenly Powers
Under such conditions when thanks to channeller-guide Galiya Kerey the connection with the Heavenly Powers has been restored and vast amounts of information from the Heavens is available, a unified universal language is needed to serve as a communication and information basis for transition to a new level of humanity’s development. Global planetary changes will promote these happenings.
Fireball over Chelyabinsk
It has been more than a month since the fall of the fireball in the Urals, however, up to now, its mysteries have not been dissipated and scientific society has been very vague on this point. According to the media, on 15 February 2013, at 09:23 a.m. local time (07:23 MSK), the meteorite entered the Earth’s atmosphere over the city of Chelyabinsk and exploded. The «Chelyabinsk meteorite» aroused heated discussion not only in the Russian media but also in the foreign press and social networks. According to experts, this phenomenon happens once in a hundred years.