The Seventh Lunar Era is coming. The Sun will turn dark suddenly in the middle of the day. Three suns – Omega, Neptune, Moon will rise instead. The Earth will stop rotating, there will not be any nights onwards. No autumn, no winter – only eternal spring will remain. “We will establish the slope towards the glaciers of Antarctica, oceans will be forced to follow this slope and will flow down to the “hell gate”. Instead of oceans, the God of Universe will bring back the initial earth with its people and culture from the parallel world.”
Supreme Powers
What is the future of the dollar?
In the spring of this year, newspapers from all over the world carried sensational news: “A 99-year charter (lease of money machine) of the Federal Reserve System (FRS), given to it in 1913 by the U.S. Congress, expires on December 21, 2012”.
Rebirth of the water basins of Kazakhstan
The Caspian Sea – is an intergalactic tunel (connection) between the Moon and the Earth, initially named as the Shattyk Sea. The Earth, climate and humanity, that had been undergone a change by the “Gone with the wind”, will return to its origin. The end comes to the damage that was spread by the dark powers on the Earth, climate and mankind. The precise border of the Shattyk (Caspian Sea) has already been established.
The next sea – is the Chudes Sea (Marvelous Sea), named as the Aral Sea. The Chudes Sea was damaged deeply, therefore no development was in Kazakhstan and the world – went to the land Russian Federation. The damage’s made to the Earth on the global level. In this somatic damage the Earth was dying without needed tunel (connection) of the Jupiter. The seeds of the Jupiter, arranged to the Earth, were grabbed by the land of Saturn imposing the deadlock by the bats to the whole Earth and making tunel (connection) from the Saturn to the Earth. In simple words, the water of the Chudes Sea is the water of the Baikal Lake. It will come to its place and the tunel from Jupiter to the Earth will be established.
Lunar Boomerang’s Law
Mad jump into the cosmic abyss
For some decades, mankind has managed to fill the near-Earth space with orbital debris to such an extent that it has made the outer space not safe to flight there. Not to speak of human losses and numerous crashes, most of which have been classified as secret. «Year after year the orbital paths above the Earth are becoming narrower. In February 2009 the first collision of two satellites occurred», – reports the «Science News» journal. At an altitude of about 800 kilometers above Siberia an operating American communication satellite collided with an out-of-service Russian military space object. This collision resulted in a cloud of 700 largish fragments.
Lake’s Red Colour – Heaven’s warning
As 31st channel reported (22.09.2011), the water in the lake went red close to “Noviy Chemolgan” village of Almaty’s oblast. According to these photos, lake’s colour is similar to the manganese solution’s one turning to scarlet. In any case, this is very rare thing occurring in nature, there are only a few such examples. For instance, the lake in western part of american state of Texas turned its colour into the blood red. However, lake near “Noviy Chemolgan” village not only changed its colour.