“It is no coincidence…” Article from the newspaper Arna

In one of the previous publications of the newspaper Arna we have written that snowdrops bloomed in the middle of August in Vladimirovka, which is abnormal for that time of the year. Right after the article was published an Almaty citizen that monitored the newspaper’s publications online called the editors and informed them that such an occurrence is not abnormal at all.

As it turned out Kazakhstani bioenergetician, healer and channeller Galiya Kerey has been a part of a two-way information exchange with the Higher Cosmic Powers receiving information about the world order, society that knows no ills, climate change and the planet’s future for over two decades. In her opinion a change in cosmic cycles is taking place and a new era of human development is coming about. In the new era humans will live in auspicious climate and economic conditions; time will lose its significance and morality will became the new foundation for the civilization. Galiya Kerey knows how to explain strange natural occurrences. She also has her own opinion on the future of our country.

The Heavens’ Warning

Last year in September a lake near Noviy Chemolgan in Almaty region turned scarlet and smelled unpleasantly. For inhabitants it turned out to be an ecological disaster. In addition, their cattle started dying out.

According to the Heavens’ information, the Higher Powers warned the locals that they need to flee via red color and foul smell. Red color is often associated with danger. It is indeed a negative zone – a zone where the Lower Powers’ ‘breath’ comes through; a zone that has an energy connection with the ‘Underworld’ that will be ‘closed’. Foul smell will vanish, but it will still be unsafe to live in Noviy Chemolgan. The locals need to be relocated to the nearest living area. The restoration of the original climate is being carried out by the Great Power of Heavens, as well as water bodies that existed originally but disappeared because of negative processes on the Earth. In place of Noviy Chemolgan and the ‘red’ lake Lake ‘Nectar’ will appear, so in order to avoid casualties the locals should be evacuated.

Lilac started bearing fruit!

Galiya Kerey thinks that trees like all of Nature will undergo serious change; they also have varying energy, ‘breath’ of different planets. An example of a needed tree for the human is evergreen. Fruit trees, firs, oaks will remain, as well as several others that will be altered. The healing of Kazakhstani flora is taking place. Around ten new types of trees and bushes will make an appearance.

In August-November of 2009 in different regions of Kazakhstan lilac, apple and cherry trees bloomed. At that time the majority of scientists proclaimed it to be an anomaly.

“It is not an anomaly,” says Galiya Kerey. “These are the clear signs of the beginning of the new climate. Clover, spurge, chicory, dandelion and otheres bloomed in November in Almaty.”

Buds swell on apple and cherry trees, on chestnut, hawthorn, lilac, briar and etc. The fruits of Higher Powers and bioenergetician Kerey’s work can be seen in lilac starting to bear fruit as well!

Galiya Kerey comments on this occurrence:

“It is a result of many factors, first of all of restoration of the original climate of eternal spring, which in turn promotes cleansing and renewal of soil and water, clean rains and elimination of insects and birds and etc. It is probable that many noticed that nowadays fruit and vegetables are without worm holes, are preserved longer and taste better. Information about the future change of lilac appeared several years ago. That said, lilac did not bloom just anywhere like it does not bear fruit just anywhere – it bears fruit only in such places where the restoration was finished. Of course, it is hard to grasp, but originally lilac bore fruit and lost this ability because of negative changes on the Earth. This also concerns many other plants. For example, roses were thornless last year. This quality has been recovering over the recent years and roses will bloom all year round. Moreover, rose leaf tea will have healing properties. This is why the change in surrounding environment will become more noticeable over time. As for lilac fruit, they will bloom in September and will be eaten like nuts; plus they are not only edible, but also have healing properties.”

Coming of the Lunar Era

Specialists identify five biggest or large scale extinctions in the history of the Earth. Scientists of the Californian University matched the data about the five extinctions with the current situation. They came to a conclusion that a sharp decrease in population of many species that can be seen in our day may be an alarming signal of the upcoming sixth extinction.

Galiya Kerey comments on the scientists’ conclusion:

“The sixth large scale extinction of all living was indeed going to happen in the late 90s. Not without reason were we waiting for the end of the world. Only by virtue of the Higher Powers’ work in establishing contact with the humanity via restoring the information and energy channel in Almaty it was possible to avoid a universal disaster in the end of the XX century. For the first time in the history of human civilization a direct contact with the Higher Powers was established on the basis of two-way information exchange that was recorded by be in writing for over 20 years. This possibly catastrophic sixth era was fortunately avoided and now we crossed over into the seventh Lunar era also known as the era of Aquarius. The transition into this era is drastically different from the previous eras of mass extinction. Every time life started from ‘blank slate’ humanity got a new chance for an intelligent life. However, every time humanity lived by the principle ‘after us the deluge’, which happened each time. Even the current civilization headed by the USA purposefully develops by ‘the law of the jungle’ and moves towards its destruction. Unlike previous ‘mechanical’ disasters, current transition of eras is humanistic, purifying of everything dirty or unneeded. It is not the global warming that is happening on the Earth as the scientists say. It is the global climate change and restoration of the original, meaning tropical climate on all the latitudes all year round. That is why trees bloom in different countries in October, November and even December. Duration of the winter season has significantly shortened over the recent years. This year winter passed into summer nearly overnight. It is not an anomaly; these are the obvious signs of the establishment of the all-round mild climate without winter.

Source: Newspaper Arna

Translated by Aya Kerey

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