Heaven’s information about an object close to the Moon

On November 2, 2012 an article called “The Planet close to the Moon is Jupiter?” was published at the “Earth Chronicles” website. It’s said that: “Yesterday, at 7.30 AM there was a bright star appearance above and on the left side of the Moon, today at the same time that star’s been seen to the right and much closer to the Moon. It captured attention by its size and not constant, many-coloured luminescence having extended shape. I made an attempt to clarify the situation using google and, eventually, realized, that even astronomers are unable to find a simple answer to this and lost in guesses.” (http://earth-chronicles.ru/news/2012-11-02-33744).

There was range of articles on our website containing an information about changes in configuration and quantity of celestial bodies and three suns appearance instead of the current sun: “The Sun fell in to a sleep”, “Heaven’s laws”, “Three Suns rise and the Earth will stop rotating”, “Religions and their gods will disappear due to the climate change” and etc.

This, what Supreme Powers told us about an object close to the Moon:

“The object you have been witnessing in the sky is – the Home – Domain of the Great Father Benedict (The God of Universe). It has been known as Oshak and it was hidden from the dark powers during the time of catastrophe in the Universe caused by dark powers. This domain is the half part of your planet – Ai, that you call the Earth. Dark powers will disappear already, the planet called Oshak will sparkle like a radiance in all its beaty. Three Suns of the Great Father will rise: Omega, Neptune and the Moon that you’ve already seen before. The planet Oshak will be accompanied by the Jupiter – Universe Life Protector.”

November 5, 2012

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