A giant squirrel, which has seemingly walked out of movies about prehistoric animals, is a symbol of bad taste and poor aesthetic and artistic culture of the urban environment. This installation is completely nondescript in an artistic sense. It is a blown up shapeless ‘sack’, especially the lower part. Its size is too big even for Atakent’s area. It matches the surrounding architecture poorly. The squirrel’s massive size is oppressive even to the fair’s high arches, not unlike an elephant in a china shop – it is a real squirrelsaurus that is a height of a four story building and weighs 13 tonnes.
Here articles are published…
The World Map Will Be Reshaped
Drastic changes are taking place on our planet, which is fortified by abundant evidence. It is not rare for many countries to build their political course and economy in a way that is harmful to themselves and humanity because of lack of trustworthy information and explanation as well as deep misunderstandings of these changes. Nature protection agencies, politicians, economists, scientists do not pay attention to ‘natural signs’ that have become more frequent recently.
“It is no coincidence…” Article from the newspaper Arna
In one of the previous publications of the newspaper Arna we have written that snowdrops bloomed in the middle of August in Vladimirovka, which is abnormal for that time of the year. Right after the article was published an Almaty citizen that monitored the newspaper’s publications online called the editors and informed them that such an occurrence is not abnormal at all.
As it turned out Kazakhstani bioenergetician, healer and channeller Galiya Kerey has been a part of a two-way information exchange with the Higher Cosmic Powers receiving information about the world order, society that knows no ills, climate change and the planet’s future for over two decades. In her opinion a change in cosmic cycles is taking place and a new era of human development is coming about. In the new era humans will live in auspicious climate and economic conditions; time will lose its significance and morality will became the new foundation for the civilization. Galiya Kerey knows how to explain strange natural occurrences. She also has her own opinion on the future of our country.
Earth Shocks Happen Only in the Subway
Kazakhstani bioenergetician and Higher Powers channeller Galiya Kerey is confident that Almaty is in no danger of earthquakes either now or in the distant future.
“Over the recent years there have been many earthquakes in Almaty. They have been ‘sewing up’ the tectonic fissures”, says Galiya Kerey. “Shallow ‘ripples’ of earth shocks attest that centers of seismic activity are being neutralized. If specialists create a new seismic map, they will see a completely different image, which is none of the old tectonic fissures”.
Latin according to Galiya Kerey’s information from the Heavenly Powers
Under such conditions when thanks to channeller-guide Galiya Kerey the connection with the Heavenly Powers has been restored and vast amounts of information from the Heavens is available, a unified universal language is needed to serve as a communication and information basis for transition to a new level of humanity’s development. Global planetary changes will promote these happenings.