After tsunami

Since the December 26, 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami there have been occurred such events in Antarctica, whereof people should know.

People suppose that the research stations available in Antarctica can help somehow. In practice they won’t be able to help. They themselves stand in need of help. They need to be taken out from there. And the sooner it gets done the better it will be. If people knew what is set to happen in Antarctica they would know what to do.

What does occur in Antarctica after the tsunami?

First, Supreme Powers call the December 26, 2004 earthquakes “repair of the Earth’s throne”. The throne of the Earth is the foundation of the Earth. Its repair is a needed reorganization in the interiors of the Earth.

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Nowadays people do not know God and do not know why in December 2004 a 9.2 magnitude earthquake rocked the bottom of the Indian Ocean and caused the great Indian Ocean tsunami and devastating disaster. Scientists make mistakes when they talk about the causes of the earthquake.

Seismologists believe that an earthquake is a natural factor that depends on the geophysical and geological processes, occurring in the interior of the Earth. Sometimes earthquakes are created by the Supreme Powers or Gods, implementing some activities on Earth. But more often, earthquakes are the punishment to people for their actions. If there is social tension or immoral swirl of mass consciousness emanating black energy, then this low-frequency energy results in earthquakes.

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Moon (Supreme Powers) about future and new climate

Offering you forecast of the Moon (Supreme Powers) and Galiya about tomorrow’s day and new climate of the Planet, we would like to remind you that the Moon from the words of Supreme Powers is not only closest celestial body to the Earth, but billions inhabited celestial bodies, that created human beings and human civilization therefore they are Gods for us.

Galiya, is not only receiving information from the level of the Moon and God, but also collaborating with them on a daily basis, together conducting special work that are necessary for the Moon and the mankind. Everything, that happens on the Earth’s level, initially formed by Supreme Power by means of special programs on energetic level, then, Moon and Galiya, carrying on vital work, can change these programs and adjust processes according to the desired and needed path.

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About Institute of Galiya Kazhgaliyevna Kerey

“The centre of the Earth is that place from where the life on the Planet originates.”

(Galiya Kazhgaliyevna Kerey)

Over the last years the colossal natural changes have been occurring on Earth, visible and invisible to humans, and quite often unexplainable from a science’s point of view. Even to the principal question: is global warming real and happening phenomenon, there is no unambiguous answer because the last winter was record as for snowfalls and frosts.

However, the truth consists in the fact that the magnetic poles of the Earth have changed their locations and the energy centre of the Earth has moved from Russia (Ufa Region) to Kazakhstan – Almaty.

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