The Seventh Lunar Era is coming. The Sun will turn dark suddenly in the middle of the day. Three suns – Omega, Neptune, Moon will rise instead. The Earth will stop rotating, there will not be any nights onwards. No autumn, no winter – only eternal spring will remain. “We will establish the slope towards the glaciers of Antarctica, oceans will be forced to follow this slope and will flow down to the “hell gate”. Instead of oceans, the God of Universe will bring back the initial earth with its people and culture from the parallel world.”
What is the future of the dollar?
In the spring of this year, newspapers from all over the world carried sensational news: “A 99-year charter (lease of money machine) of the Federal Reserve System (FRS), given to it in 1913 by the U.S. Congress, expires on December 21, 2012”.
Heaven’s laws
1.Fair social system on the Earth and equal for all. Equal distribution of wealth everywhere on the Earth. They are: water, oil, gas and necessary minerals.
2.Honesty between people living on the Earth. If not, punishment is to be imposed. No armies, no murders – because such dull people capable of breaking laws will vanish.