Spruces Falling Down or A Little Hell in the Mountains

On the eve of the Asian Winter Games in Kazakhstan we published the information from the institute directed by Galiya Kazhgaliyevna Kerey. Our article was named «Vancouver Syndrome or Problematic Asiade». In particular, in that article was said that «the Winter Games are in their declining phase. The recent example is that of the Games in Vancouver, which were close to a failure, when on the eve of the Olympiad, this skiing resort had been inundated with heavy showers. In virtue of the caprices of the Nature the authorities had to import the snow using the aircrafts.

However, certain games, such as snowboarding competitions, have been removed from the schedule. The continuous rains haven’t allowed to plan everything in due manner, to organize the main competitions, and the rains have even confounded the cards of the strongest teams, which found themselves behind the weak teams. Of the disasters due to the natural phenomena came to make part the failures in the organizational context, and tragic accidents. In the upshot, the Olympiad has been muffed, and the experts have defined it as the worst one. The man presumes and Supreme Powers disposes and the Asiade in Kazakhstan may not take place because of the changes of the Nature, and of the non-readiness of the sportive objects. Consequently, there won’t be any advantage for the economics and sportive prestige of the Country».

Secret signs of the Nature

Everybody knows that in the very course of the winter the rains were about to upset the Asian Winter Games. As well as are notorious the numerous imperfections of the Asiade and the enormous monetary means allocated for the organization of those games, but one can be lost in conjectures about the amounts of expenses sustained – nobody has counted them. No economical or other advantage has been gained. Notwithstanding that, the Asiade has been officially recognized as successful, winning for the Country a great number of gold medals. Though on the reverse side of those medals there are not only evident facts and phenomena.

We can have different attitudes towards the information conceded by Galiya Kazhgaliyevna Kerey – the most of the readers take this information as fantastic tales or predictions. However, this is neither one nor the other. This is the activity aimed to change the climate based on the information she receives from the outer space; here there are many paradox and hardly explicable things, which is why few people pay serious attention to the crux of the matter expounded. Approaching from the point of view of the common sense, it results that the above indicated information is not only the corroboration about the great climatic changes, but also the warning about the danger which people see or do not want to see, and about the relevant change of the society.

As a matter of fact, the people all around are talking about the climatic changes; in particular, about the fact that the today’s winters must not be compared with those of the past years: they are full of surprises, like, for example unprecedented snowfalls which may transform themselves in a heavy showers and cause inundations, like in Europe, or icy rains in wintertime like in Moscow and Moscow Region. Notwithstanding the cataclysms of Nature, the mankind keeps living according to the custom settled, as if nothing occurs. For instance, Kazakhstan is about to give the application for the organization of the Winter Olympic Games of the year 2022. Unfortunately, even when the people catch a blow on the head, they never change all the same.

Shearing of the Trees by the Hurricane

At first sight, the Asiade apparently has taken place. But we have forgotten about the danger hidden by the Nature in the areas of the alpine-altitude skating – rink Medeu and the ski-center Shymbulak. According to the information of Galiya Kerey it were precisely these areas which were threatened (in the wintertime) by a natural phenomenon occurred three months and half after the Asiade – on the May 17th.

That day, an unprecedented hurricane ran over through the Almaty and Almaty Region, breaking many trees. A hail two centimeters in diameter precipitated. The hurricane wind was breaking hundreds of trees, tearing off the power lines, throwing down the fences and taking off the coverings from the roofs. The wind in the mountains was pulling out the trees with their roots, of which certain trees were aged some one or two hundred years. On the areas from the west and east side of the road leading to Medeu and Shymbulak there are laying the trees thrown down. The similar facts there are also within the mountain foothills Kimasar, Prosvestsenets, Gorelnik, Toyouksou, Syrasay, and Kokzhaylyau.

The scale of the hurricane has turned out to be more serious than we could imagine initially. All the specialists are unanimous in their opinion that such a hurricane has never occurred during the whole period of their observations. For the Ile-Alatau National Natural Park the hurricane has turned out to be a real natural catastrophe – thousands of trees have been thrown down.

According to the data of the Municipality of Almaty, the hurricane has run over through the areas of the regional park «Medeu» in Almaty and of the Ile-Alatau National Park, located within the territory of the Almaty Region. The total area of the territory victimized was of 480 hectares. It is curious to note that the mighty spruces which have been thrown down by the hurricane are laying now in regular rows, like toys, and this is, undoubtedly, not a coincidental phenomenon. Within the area of the regional park «Medeu» as much as 4144 trees fell down. And this is discordant to the fact that before the start of the Asiade some thousand «problematic» trees have been cut off. The street illumination is also damaged following the falling down of 80 lamp poles and advertising billboards.

As it is reported in the communiqué, the city emergency-reaction services and their sub-units are performing the clearing of the areas with removal of fallen trees, and up to now as much as 3187 fallen trees have been removed, the street illumination has been restored up to the area of the sport complex Medeu. «The restorative works are planned to be completed in this area within 20 days», – is reported in the communiqué. According to the information received from the committee of the forest and hunt surveillance subordinated to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan it results that within the area of the Ile-Alatau National Park about 90 thousand (!) trees have been damaged.

The best feature of the mountains is only their absence

Here are the comments of the bio-energetic specialist Galiya Kereuy about the unprecedented hurricane in Almaty and in the Almaty Region: «What’s the essence of the mountains? The mountains are the areas unsuitable for the human inhabitation, a natural obstacle for the migration of people, animals, water, etc. To build a road, the builders are constrained to by-pass the mountains or to cut the tunnels through them. The higher are the mountains, the fewer life there is and more frosts and snows, while the peaks, sung by the poets, are lifeless. The better thing of the mountains is only their absence. The mountains are the ways of the black forces. Particularly Shymbulak, which is a negative zone. It was not for nothing that the hurricane of the May 17th was whirling, in the true sense of the word, in this zone and in that of Medeu. The purification of the Earth will affect not only the islands, oceans, lakes, rivers, etc, but also all the heights which will disappear from the Earth’s face. The fracture found on a mountain slope near the town of Talgar in the Almaty Region is the beginning of the sinking of the mountains. No doubt that the changes in the Nature will affect also the people, who, by fair means or foul, have «clambered up» in the mountains building private residences for themselves – they are facing the danger. The Earth will be plane. The spruces are the energetic support of the mountains. For this reason, it was exactly this sort of trees that have suffered the more. To make the mountains sink, the Supreme Powers have removed the spruces. At the same time, the spruces won’t disappear, they will just be renewed. In the times to come, there won’t be winters anymore, and consequently the winter sports will become the thing of old. For instance, in Almaty, every year the period of winter gradually reduces. Kazakhstan, and in particular Almaty, are under the protection of the Heaven, and for this reason we managed to avoid great number of victims during the strongest hurricane occurred».

The new fracture found on a mountain’s slope in the Almaty Region has been announced on the May 19th by the press relations service of the Kazakhstani Emergency Control Ministry. «On the May Eighteenth at the 15:25 from the chief inspector of the Talgar exploitation unit subordinated to the State Institution «Kazakhstan Institution for protection against mudslides» the information came that on the northern slope of the mountain located on the opposite side of the ex-health centre «Kolosok» (Talgar District, Almaty Region), 7,5 meters over the old fracture formed itself a new fracture 6 meters lengthwise, and 20-30 centimeters widthwise», – is reported in the communiqué (Information Agency Novosti-Kazakhstan).

The decoration of Almaty – the «magnificent» mountains have ceased to be such nowadays. The Almaty Department of the Kazakhstani Emergency Control Ministry calls the inhabitants and visitors of Almaty to be cautious while visiting the Medeu due to the threat of falling down of the trees hanging down over there and warn them not to clamber upon the mountains’ slopes.

Broaching the theme of the mountains and dangers concealed in them, we cannot pass over in silence the so-called problem of the lake # 6 located not far from Almaty. The ecologists, scientists, officers of the Emergency Control Ministry and even the Parliament deputies have already broached this problem. In the article named «To those who are hungering for cataclysms» (published in September of the 2010) the information form Galiya Kerey was given: «The waters of the lake # 6 located on the mountains standing over the Almaty are going down, and the same lake will disappear. The mountains will sink. The lake Sayran, rumoured as a future nidus of infections, has got purified: in the last times there are no hearings about the infections found in the area of this lake».

And as it became known, the waters of the lake # 6 began to disappear effectively vanishing in an unknown direction. This fact was reported to the reporter of the Tengrinews.kz by the vice-chief of the Almaty Department of the Kazakhstani Emergency Control Ministry, Mr. Yuri Ilyin. He says that presently the volume of the lake is of about 108 thousand cubic meters. For instance, in the last year the lake contained about 240 thousand cubic meters (before the start of the works carried out by the «Kazakhstan Institution for protection against mudslides» and the regimental unit of the Emergency Control Ministry). «The waters are vanishing in somewhere, but nobody knows in where. We added paint in the water to discover where it flees, but the painted water has never appeared on the surface of the lake. Possibly there is an underground source. Probably the water disappears streaming into an underneath soil and after reappears somewhere out of the boundaries of Almaty», – explained Mr. Ilyin.

Dastan Eldesov           

June 03, 2011


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