
Nowadays people do not know God and do not know why in December 2004 a 9.2 magnitude earthquake rocked the bottom of the Indian Ocean and caused the great Indian Ocean tsunami and devastating disaster. Scientists make mistakes when they talk about the causes of the earthquake.

Seismologists believe that an earthquake is a natural factor that depends on the geophysical and geological processes, occurring in the interior of the Earth. Sometimes earthquakes are created by the Supreme Powers or Gods, implementing some activities on Earth. But more often, earthquakes are the punishment to people for their actions. If there is social tension or immoral swirl of mass consciousness emanating black energy, then this low-frequency energy results in earthquakes.

When such a thing happened in the Caucasus, people realized that they could not avoid a serious trouble and they did put an end to the strife between them. If people knew what a war is, they would know also what earthquakes are. A surge of the negative energy, caused the earthquake that wiped the Iranian town of Bam away from the face of the Earth in December, 2003, was resulted from bombing Iraq by the U.S. aviation.

Usually tsunamis are caused by powerful rising tides and, rarely, they are resulted from earthquakes. The earthquake that occurred in the Sumatra region was not a natural phenomenon; it was predetermined and caused by the Moon (God) in order to protect people from more horrible disasters. People do everything to destroy the Planet. They pump oil and gas out of the Earth’s interior, destroy both subsoil riches, and atmosphere, and aquatic environment; for some reason or other they try to intrude into outer space, and perturb the bosom of the sea. The fact is that all is not well with the Indian Ocean region. Earthquakes can have various causes. But in this case the earthquake was caused by the Moon. All the buttons and levers were in the hands of God. Although people themselves were largely to blame for this disaster, there was also another reason. The earthquake was connected with arranging the new surface of the Earth and the new climate on Earth. God needed to carry out an indispensable reconstruction in the interior of the Earth and to close the black zones, of which there are many in the Indian Ocean. Otherwise, these zones would lead to much more disastrous consequences in the near future.

The Indian Ocean, abundant with black energy zones, is actually a continuous zone of black energy. Everything will change for the better when the ices of Antarctica sink and close the entrance to the world of the dead or underworld. There was a time when in the newspaper «SolDAT» I published the information about the existence of the underworld whereto the souls of black energy people pass after their death. The gate of the underworld is located in the middle of Antarctica and through this gate the black forces of the underworld steal white energy meant for people. When the Moon or God closes this gate, the energy situation and nature of the whole planet will change for the better.

The disaster that occurred in the Southeast Asia is not the elements, but the aftermath of a purposeful God’s work which has to help people to avoid a universal catastrophe. Now the Seventh Lunar Age has replaced the Sixth Lunar Age. And during the Lunar Ages’ change, both the surface of the Earth and human consciousness change totally. If people knew what the Lunar Ages are, then they would know what the cosmic cycles are. As far back as five years ago I had to publish the information that the Supreme Powers had started a work aimed at preventing the Flood and at creating the mild tropical climate, identical around the world.

People do not know the Truth and therefore they do not know what the Flood is. The Flood is not the end of the world. The Flood is the cleanup of the Earth and the tsunami is its harbinger. It is purification of the Earth from physical and energetic dirt which hinders both people and the world of Gods. Nobody ever knew about it, while Supreme Powers give the information about it every day. When a tsunami comes on, fishes save themselves going to deep water in good time. And what do people have to do? People have to learn the Truth which could be their bulwark against tsunamis. People are not afraid even of the Flood. If people were afraid of the Flood, they would start talking about it two years ago, when floods, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions became more frequent on Earth. If people knew what it means they would know that the Moon provides us with information about everything that goes on today on Earth, in nature, in the world of Gods and in the Space itself.

People themselves impede Supreme Powers from arranging the new climate on the Planet. There are such people, whose negative energy could thwart even the God’s plans. There are such heads of State, whose negative energy and intentions, contravening the moral principles, could cause snow even in the depth of summer. There are such war-dogs, who, like mad, bomb the Earth, as if they desired the land would be disintegrated and sunk.

If there were space-based observations not for troops transfer but for penguins’ movement, it would be useful for people. As far back as 2002, it could be seen from space that the Arctic and Antarctic ice melting had got underway. Nobody ever knew that it might happen, but it has happened. By the way, as concerns penguins… If penguins had locators on their heads, the military would suppose these penguins to be the spies from far-out planets. But penguins, on their vertices, have an invisible system of solar energy intake which allows them to feel fine at any cold. Along with humans, penguins also impede the creation of tropical climate on the Planet. But people are people. They are able to reform. But as for penguins: the Moon has promised to exterminate them. Such information was received in October 2004. If people knew what it means, they would know that God will exterminate half of the animal kingdom in order to allow people to breathe easier.

I bethought me of the International Space Station (ISS) that it could help people to see the changes, occurring in the Antarctic and Arctic regions, but it turned out that, up to date, the ISS itself is in sore need of help. The astronauts may make their mind easy on that score. But at the energy level the ISS has already fallen to pieces. The information about it was received on the 3rd-4th January, 2005. Turning to the subject of tsunamis… Tsunamis arise in the sea, near the shore, in the period of flood and ebb tides. Fish escape from tsunami by going deeper into the sea. People go far inland.

In general, talking about tsunami, we come back in September 2002, when the Moon sent an energetic asteroid towards Antarctica, and ever since this clot of white energy has been carrying out there the work predestinated by God. The energy of the asteroid has been transformed into the energy of a volcano. And all this is done by God for the welfare of the people who brought the Planet to such a crisis point.

It is literally in these days there will be a following… We have already talked about it, though. We all are going by a railway reconstructed by God for us. We cannot go anywhere from the invisible ways. And I had to write about all this because people need to know the true causes what is going on now. If people were with the Truth, they would be better and nature would behave in a different way.

I do not talk about my thoughts or assumptions, as scientists do. I write down the information I receive off-the-shelf from the level of the Moon or God.

December 29, 2004

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