Saiga antelope mass die-off

Saigas have been brought to Earth from the land of Mars. They are not for eating. They poison all living on Earth by their excrements that emit pungent smell of acetone, spreading through the air by wind and penetrating into the water through the soil. Now the Earth is being purified of unnecessary animals. There is no any pasteurellosis. It is Great Power of Heaven that is doing it. Because of saigas there is a negative impact on Heaven’s descendants on Earth. This negative influence from Mars to Earth has been already eliminated on energy level and in genetic tunnel.

Henceforth saigas will not die off anymore but will disappear thanks to God’s works. Instead of them, there will come genuine earthly creatures called «Akboken» that have once disappeared from the face of the Earth because of saigas appearance.

There will also appear the grass for Akbokens.

As a result, mankind will get rid of all kinds of troubles in the joints.

June 4, 2010

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