Lunar Boomerang’s Law

Mad jump into the cosmic abyss

For some decades, mankind has managed to fill the near-Earth space with orbital debris to such an extent that it has made the outer space not safe to flight there. Not to speak of human losses and numerous crashes, most of which have been classified as secret. «Year after year the orbital paths above the Earth are becoming narrower. In February 2009 the first collision of two satellites occurred», – reports the «Science News» journal. At an altitude of about 800 kilometers above Siberia an operating American communication satellite collided with an out-of-service Russian military space object. This collision resulted in a cloud of 700 largish fragments.

It is said that the highest death rate prevails among cosmonauts and astronauts (in general, the people involved in the space exploration activities), including mysterious deaths among “fathers” of astronautic science and members of their families. After completing the lunar program some astronauts have died under strange circumstances, etc. There were many deaths also among those who were enrolled in the Cosmonaut Corps, but never did visit the space. Actually, among them there are many test pilots whose lives were constantly exposed to danger.

While the Americans were attended by certain good luck at the start of «conquest» of the Moon, the lunar program in the USSR was accompanied by chronic bad luck. Nine of ten H-1 carrier rockets were designed at the Baikonur satellite launch site in the late 1960-s and in the early 1970-s of the last century. A giant rocket with a height of 30-storey house started only four times, each of which ended in disastrous failure – it just exploded during ascent. In the USSR, only 30% of space and flight missions to Mars were successful, while the space missions to Venus, the Moon and the Earth’s orbit were more successful.

The collapse of the space program

Here is what Galiya Kerey talks about the Moon: «The Moon plays a very important part in a person’s life and the Earth’s life, as scientists and politicians do not know or do not want to acknowledge it. Many current misfortunes of mankind began with cosmic outer space exploration, including appearance on the Moon’s surface of the Soviet Moon robot which stayed there like a dead weight, like a scalpel left in living body. How many disputes and speculations there were about the death of Yuri Gagarin: from mistakes of pilots to a framed-up accident. However, it was the Supreme Powers punishment for invasion into the Universe’s God dominion: that airplane was simply turned up in the air and crashed. The USA made bombing raid on the Moon in search for water there. This raid returns to the USA in the form of destructive natural and man-made disasters.

The funds, which are wasted for outer space exploration, could be spent for humans’ life. After all, scientists look for something that does not belong to human civilization. What are they looking for on Mars?! There are only fire and ashes! And for the acts of madmen, «space conquerors», people of the Earth are being severely punished by Heavenly Powers! What are people looking for on the Moon? Do madmen really think that the Heavenly Powers will admit them to their abode!?

The Supreme Powers are changing satellites’ and rockets’ trajectories up to the ISS and Baikonur wreck to come: numerous spacecraft crashes in recent times are retribution for thoughtless intervention and pollution of outer space, for flights to the Moon. Not without reason at times they cannot find neither the causes of crashes nor spacecrafts’ fragments, as it happened with «Progress» last year, or «Phobos-Grunt» this year.

There is no need for interplanetary flights and the near-Earth ones. In the future, when the near-Earth space becomes clear, there will be no need for satellites, including communication ones: the situation will change radically, because ground stations will be sufficient for communication, Internet, etc».

By the way, it’s a long time ago that Galiya Kazhgaliyevna Kerey told about the Supreme Powers’ interference in space industry. In particular, in the article titled «Moon about our future and the new climate (August 22, 2003) » in the section «What are the Moon and Galiya talking about» it is said: «space programs will be revised. People do not know that the Cosmos is the Supreme Powers’ abode and they keep launching spacecrafts into outer space. People have nothing to do on other planets; space missions must be performed around the Earth orbit. It was said by the Moon or God about three or four years ago. And in spite of this, one after the other, as many as three spacecrafts were launched toward Mars. Here is what the Supreme Powers say about Mars: «Mars is not even a planet, Mars is fire. Where on Earth there are hot weather, heat and drought, people think that all this comes from the Sun. But as a matter of fact – all this comes from Mars. Mars is the planet of fire and destruction».

Spacecraft launches towards other planets arrange, at the energy level, the paths for return visits. And what kind of «visitors» may come to us from the planet of destruction and fire. And all this occurs at a time when the Earth goes through especially complex geophysical processes, which should not be interfered. When people realize that launching spacecrafts toward other planets, they impede the Supreme Powers and please Satan, then people will review their space programs».

In the article «the Moon is not capitalists’ property» in the section «What are the Moon and Galiya talking about» Galiya Kerey wrote: «Based on information received from the Supreme Powers in the year 1998 it became apparent that: «The Supreme Powers prescribed to the Earth’s civilization to launch spacecrafts only to the near-Earth orbit. The spacecrafts have not to leave the Earth orbit, because they create problems to the Moon and other cosmic worlds». This was at a time when everything was quiet. Based on information received from the Supreme Powers in the year 2003 it became apparent: «The Supreme Powers prescribed to the Earth’s civilization not to launch spacecrafts at all. Energetic, climatic and environmental conditions on Earth are not stable. If in the year 1967 the Moon were recognized as common heritage of mankind it would be a good thing. But the Moon was recognized as common property of mankind. Space expeditions do as much harm as work was put to achieve it. People do not know what the Moon is. People know only the visual plane of the Moon. The Moon has got some invisible energy levels. Each level is a separate world. Everything is created by the Supreme Powers in this manner. The Moon has never been lonely. The Earth is a planet of common life since the Supreme Powers are present at the Earth and the Moon at the same time.

And if only you knew what penalties space exploration nations have imposed on their populations… In 1957, the Moon brought in a verdict concerning Russia: not to let Russia develop until it comes to its senses. Bread was replaced by cognac and vodka. If you knew what Supreme Powers have prescribed to America for its space programs, then you would know where Catherine hurricane and its enraged friends came from in 2005. Through the holes formed by spacecraft launches in the protective energy envelope of the Earth, negative energy penetrates en masse from Saturn and Mars and forces people to do very bad things. Soon capitalism will sink in the flood with its space programs.

If you knew what the Moon is, you would know that at the end of each Lunar Era there was changing the Crustal Structure of the Earth. That changing was exactly what people defined as a deluge. But the deluge never came by itself. Energy and environment pollution had to be washed away with water. Otherwise, a further development of human civilization would become impossible. With change of the Crustal Structure of the Earth and with approval of the Seventh Lunar Era, mankind will have a new consciousness, perceiving the Earth and the Moon as an integral whole, a single energy space. The planet Saturn is not a planet in itself. Saturn will perish.

The focus of negative energy is also the planet Mars. If you knew it, you would know why Supreme Powers have imposed a ban on space flights of human civilization towards Mars: flights towards other planets, spacecrafts, people themselves and even their thoughts spread black energy towards all the ins and outs of the Cosmos. People do not know that their space missions do harm to themselves, to the Earth and to the world of Supreme Powers at the same time. Everything is interconnected in the Cosmos».

Dastan Eldesov

February 01, 2012

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