Heaven’s laws

1.Fair social system on the Earth and equal for all. Equal distribution of wealth everywhere on the Earth. They are: water, oil, gas and necessary minerals.

2.Honesty between people living on the Earth. If not, punishment is to be imposed. No armies, no murders – because such dull people capable of breaking laws will vanish.

January 20, 2009

We will change Life on the Earth. It is under the protection of Heaven – Oshak (Moon). The Earth was threatened not from the space , but from inside itself, “hell gate” are named glacier (Antarctica) and Arctic, from these places there was constant condition of blowing from the deep (fracture). We will change the world, already destroying the “gate of hell” (Antarctica) and its “fridge “(Arctic).

The Earth is not like a globe, that bigger than Oshak (Moon), but truncated cone, with the basis on the top that has been changed by the land of Mars and water from the land of Mars.

The Earth and all creatures have been suffering from the dangerous influence of Mars for the very long centuries.

Worst thing, that teaching for people is coming from the subsurface’s deep. The teaching of the Heaven that had existed initially was buried by dark powers beneath three oceans. We will impose our teaching to the Earth and release the Earth from the land and water of Mars. The blood itself has changed its colour due to water of Mars. The whole humanity was changed by the seeds that were sowed from the land of Mars.

There is no start of life or the end of life on the Earth. The Earth will be born again, Earth’s change will be conducted in quite tunel. Due to the job that has been done for the 17 years, the Heaven established the path of change in a quite tunel.

About Crisis

The beginning of crisis has been launched by the Heaven, when people (scientists) started to “dig” the Space. Financial crisis was created in order of show real face of so called “elite” – “very rich and powerful” people. Now, we established the end of crisis. No matter whether authorities want or don’t want, the change will occur without taking into consideration their wishes. The power of Oshak (Moon), Jupiter and Omega can’t be stopped! In the center of the Earth three suns will be born simultaneously. The beginning of financial crisis was established by “Agip” company 10 years ago. These are reasons: poor competence of this company to run business, rotating system of work, uncontrolled issue of visas, no contribution to society, only grabbing.

We already established the way to exit crisis. The mechanism of solving’s already has been launched. Earth’s and creatures’ cleaning is going on. Mind of humanity will be changed, for those people who don’t want – the Heaven has their own mechanism of their elimination.

Money of the Moon (Heaven) – is dollar with different meaning in terms of word “money”. The country that will print money of the Moon is – Australia.

January 22, 2010

Heaven’s Law

The Earth needs laws on how to live, but not the religion. We will change the life and Earth itself. We will cut the influence and legacy of the Past life.

Geographical poles will be changed – and we will change the lifeline on the Earth and all creatures living on it. Magnetic poles will be changed – we will change humanity’s current vision that life and death are very close to each other.

January 24, 2010

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