The collapse in Almaty’s Underground – warning of the Supreme Powers


Any living organism has instinct of self-preservation which is a basis of life and a property of the Nature. However, people proceed from the «postulate» that the «non-living» nature doesn’t have this property and in their activities they take into account only own interests, quite often ephemeral ones. However, people sometimes do not calculate even their own benefits, as it happened with the underground in Almaty. Because the human «omnipotence» sometimes urges people to the very expensive but useless and even dangerous projects.

Bomb-proof shelter for the élite.

Planned as long ago as in the 70-s of the last century – during the cold war – the Almaty’s Underground in the Soviet times had rather a strategic destination as a bomb-proof shelter in case of war, than that of the mass rapid transport. Because this is a very expensive and knowingly sunk project: considered the limited route, depth of lying of the subway line reaching 75 (!) meters, complicated mining and geological conditions (subway’s location at the bottom of the mountains!) and seismically perilous conditions. And this is the reason why the construction of one sole subway line with the extension of 8,5 kilometers and composed of 7 stations, had protracted for more than 20 years.

It would seem that, by the year 1988 – which was the year of the «second» starting of construction of the Almaty’s Underground, when the «iron curtain» had already collapsed, the critical attitude ought to have been prevalent towards such an expensive and hazardous initiative. However the attitude towards this initiative had not changed even along with the acquisition of the sovereignty. Nowadays the city doesn’t need the almost ready underground line neither for the transportation of passengers, nor for the return on investment allocated for the construction of the underground – the subway is too insignificant compared with the general passenger traffic within the megacity of Almaty. As a matter of fact, the rapid transport is supposed to provide the connection of the residential districts with the entertainment, commercial, transit centers (autobus stations and railway stations), business centers, etc.

Our Underground, whose cost amounts to about one billion U.S. dollars, has not been assigned with these functions of the off-street rapid transport.

Almost all the Underground stations are located within the area of minor passenger traffic: underground station « Rayimbek » located at the intersection of the streets Rayimbek and Furmanov; underground station «Zhibek Zholy» – at that of the streets Furmanov and Zhybek Zholy; underground station «Almaly» – Furmanov and Kabanbay Batyr; underground station«Abay» – Abay and Furmanov; underground station «Baikonur» – Abay and Baytursynov; underground station «Tulpar» – Abay and Zhandossov; underground station «Alatau» – Abay and Zharokov. It is also naïve to assume that such a short underground branch is able to unload the city car traffic and to meliorate the ecological situation in the city.

Well, those «particular reasons», which most probably became a decisive argument in favor of construction of the subway in Alma-Ata, could be only military-strategic ones. Because everybody knows that a subway in whatever city has the contemporaneous function of a bomb-proof shelter and contains special underground communications allowing the people, in case of war, including nuclear war, to take cover underground for a long time».

Violations during underground construction

In particular, last year, on the August 09th, within the area of the subway being built a landslip occurred in the point of the subway passing underneath the Abay and Gagarin streets’ intersection. At that moment the management of the JSC «Almatymetrokurylys» declared that the landslip had occurred because of the soils eroded. «The soils present in this area of Almaty are represented by the vegetation soil, fill-up soils, loam and gravel. The divisional green line of the Gagarin Avenue is periodically irrigated at summertime by means of the irrigation canal system. The waters, draining into soils, were gradually cleansing the soils. When the humidity of the soil reached the critical point, the soil collapsed under its own weight».

Already this year, on the September 28th, within the subway has occurred the soil has subsided again; fortunately there are no victims. From the explanation presented by the United Dispatcher Control Service «Almaty’s Rescue Service», results that the landslip has occurred within the part of the subway passing underneath the area of the Abay and Mukanov streets during the drilling of the middle station tunnel at the depth of 45 meters. The volume of the soil collapsed has amounted to about 643 cubic meters (Kazakhstan Today). As the press-service of the JSC «Almatymetrokurylys» reported, based on previous information, the cause of the accident resulted in difficult mining and geological conditions and swampiness of the locality located within the riverbed of the former river «Poganka».

«Bombardment from Heavens»

Facing the natural cataclysms recurrent and acquiring the strength in the South-Eastern Asia, Northern America, Europe, China, Turkey and other countries, the people must pay attention to the interconnection of the human activities and the natural elements. Naturally, the people finding themselves face-to-face with the factor of the Nature’s Boomerang, must wake in them the instinct of self-preservation, and in this case the people must implement the analysis of their attitude towards the Nature, towards their next of kin, and towards themselves as the integral part of the Nature itself.

Therefore the accidents at work with mortality which became more frequent in the last time during the building of the Almaty’s Underground (in this year there have been two accidents), the collapses of soil within the subway areas must not be ascribed to the disappointing casualty, for on the Earth everything is interconnected. The explanation of many a phenomena passing them off as certain fortuitousness, a concurrence of unforeseen circumstances, «eliminates» the true cause, which leads subsequently to larger catastrophes.

For instance, the builders of the subway have failed to take into account the fact that on the eve of the landslip occurred within the subway area, on the September 24th in Kyrgyzstan had occurred an earthquake whose magnitude in Almaty amounted to the force 3-4. Most probably, the earthquake took not the last part, having done the «preparative work» for the collapse of the soil in the Almaty’s Underground. There is a close interconnection between the earthquake and collapse of the soil in the Almaty’s Underground, which the subway building company management has successfully «passed over in silence», having passed the underground landslip off as the «consequence of the complicated mining and geological conditions».

Such is, evidently, the human’s nature: people never learn from mistakes. In the Northern Caspian Sea zone there is the ecological catastrophe going at full speed, but this doesn’t stop the oil-industry dealers. Recently the Fort Shevchenko has been inundated, but nobody associates this «warning» with the future cataclysms in this Region. Kazakhstan coming to a fiasco on the cosmic level with launching of the satellite «Kazsat» – it’s nothing at all serious; we’ll launch a new one. Without considering the great number of «Protons» bearing heptyl crashed down, and the great number of accidents occurred, the Russian-Kazakhstani Space Exploring Commission reports: there is no danger for the people, animals and ecology. «Each launch of the spacecraft shakes the «throne» of the Earth and deleteriously influences over the ecology of that region, having already caused the tragedy of dewatering of the Aral Sea, and will cause in the near future other catastrophes, whose occurrence will affect particularly the area of the same launching site «Baikonur» and the International Space Station» (Galiya Kerey).

We published the information about the fact that the construction of the Underground is fraught with big woes for the southern capital, which is Almaty. In particular, in the reportage article «Apocalypse’s Narrow Entrance» 17.07.2009 were reported the Galiya Kerey’s words: «The construction of the Underground in Almaty may cause serious cataclysms, because the subway will «attire» black energy, as well as the construction of the mall and parking areas planned to be performed within the Place of the Republic, which, added to everything else, is located on the way of arrival of the space energy – this is a sacral place – the heart of the city. Generally, Almaty is the informational field, and every kind of hole contributes to the destruction of this field. That’s why the hole in front of the city municipality must be refilled again with earth; the surrounding area must be given its original appearance and planted with trees. As concerns the subway, there must be performed the soil reinforcing works, and afterwards all the entrances must be immured. If they continue to build the subway, then a natural cataclysm may occur and the subway will be flooded from inside».

The future of the Almaty’s Underground according to the Institute of Galiya Kerey

Apropos, Galiya Kerey had the information about the dangerousness of the subway’s building and about the accidents occurred in the subway building site, long before the first large collapse of the soil had occurred within the subway. The Underground construction company’s management assures that in the future no collapse of the soil will occur anymore, and that the inhabitants of Almaty will be able to use the subway in the next year. However the Galiya Kerey’s prognoses regarding the subways are discouraging: «The underground landslips will occur within the subway; it will be filled in with water and will be closed out. The same fate will strike underground also in other countries. The underground’s builders know well with which great difficulties (even with the human victims) and during how many years the subway is being constructed, and no wonder of this fact can be encountered. With the subway is happening the same thing, which happened with the entertainment center located underneath the plaza in front of the Almaty’s White House – every kind of obstacles are arising. But it would be hard to explain to the builders of the underground «magnet» of black energy that Almaty is the center of the Earth, and that no subway is necessary. Therefore the predestination of our city mustn’t be compared with that of the other cities. Very often we can hear the opinions of the specialists saying that the subways are being constructed also in seismically perilous zones, in Japan, for instance. But this country is also periodically shaken up by earthquakes, and it resists to the damages caused by these calamities exclusively on account of its developed and high-qualitative urbanization and anti-seismic systems, which we do not possess at all: even an insignificant earthquake will destroy the Almaty’s Underground in a flash. The people need to find the courage to acknowledge the supremacy of the Nature’s laws, and stop to have certain human’s ignorant ideas about the people’s exclusiveness and all-permissiveness».

The nature of the underground landslips, the incompetent explanations from the subway construction company’s management about the causes of the collapse of the soils, and its tendencies to hide the occurrence of the numerous accidents, are witnessing the fact that the Almaty’s Underground has no future. The Almaty’s municipality and the Underground construction company’s management must find the courage to avow the mistakenness of the construction of the Underground in Almaty and to conserve the building of it.

To let the Jinn into the tunnels

As a «military-strategic object» the subway building management had the «right» to put into secret many facts. The fact that the building of the Underground in Almaty is shrouded in a great mystery is witnessed not only by the concealment by the subway construction company’s management of many a fact of accidents, machinations, and deficiencies in the works performed, etc.

For instance, we know that the construction of the Almaty’s Underground, according to the official version, had begun in September of the year 1988. However, the project of construction of the subway had been approved by the soviet government as long ago as in the year 1975, while the relevant decree had been promulgated in the year 1980. In the soviet times, the execution of the soviet government’s plans usually was not dragged on and was performed within the timeframe pre-established. Furthermore, in the year 1981 the number of the Almaty’s inhabitants had reached one million people, and these were exactly the statistics expected by the government. The subway stations designs, subway routes’ schemes; preventive estimates of expenses, and many other preparatory works related to the construction of the subway in Almaty were made in the late 70’s and in the early 80’s. The micro-district «Tastak» was apparently destined also for the subway builders’ partial accommodation, and the houses there were built generally during the years 1979-1981. According to these and other data results that the beginning of the subway building falls on the year 1983, which had been stopped in the same year for reasons hidden from the public.

Ruslan Bakhtigareyev had written explicitly about this fact in the article «Extraterrestrial METROpoly» (Express K, 02/06/2006): according to a testimony of an eyewitness, the subway construction works were suspended in the year 1983 for the five years through, because there was found the presence of the unidentified flying objects!
Here are the succinct contents of the a.m. article. On the September 03rd, 1983, at the very beginning of the works related to punching the tunnel in the area of the subway station Rayimbek (Oktyabyrskaya station) at the intersection of the Rayimbek and Furmanov Streets the operator of the excavator had found an object, which, according to the operator’s saying, «was lightening, suspended in the air, resembled to a ruby, and was emitting a strange buzzing».

After the close contact with the object, the excavator’s operator was taken in a hospital and afterwards he deceased. According to the official version this young man showed the symptoms of an unknown disease, which had mutilated him beyond recognition. Some days after, a helicopter arrived at five o’clock in the afternoon. The people arrived with the helicopter, wearing the «protective suits» and bringing the « safe cans » had entered the tunnel of the subway and after a long while had reappeared. During the transportation of the can the handcart’s wheel came off and the can bounced out from the handcart, rolled away, the can’s cover pushed aside and a red-colored object dashed out from the can. It was suspended in the air one meter from the ground and started turning round and emitting certain noise. At that moment a fiery spherical object appeared in the sky, which was going up and down at a great speediness beneath the eyes of witnesses. Then, one of the men who were arrived with the helicopter ran up to the «ruby» and, having grasped it, crammed it back into the can. And as soon as the man managed to latch all the locks, he fell on the ground and a strange smoke began to emanate from him. The remainder of people, wearing the «protective suits», loaded the can onto the helicopter and gone away with the helicopter, while the fiery spherical object began to follow them on flight.

Next day, every one of the people who were present in site, when the «ruby» dashed out from the can, had lost his hair on the head, and afterwards also the plagues had appeared on their bodies. Everybody of the eyewitnesses signed his non-disclosure oath. The helicopter departed was shut down by an UFO in the Altai Region, while the nature of the «ruby» remained unknown.

According to the information from the bio-energetic specialist Galiya Kerey, the fact described in the Bakhtigareyev’s article had really occurred. After all, there are many witnesses of the beginning of the subway’s first tunnel in the year 1983, among which there are tunnellers, managers and designers of the then subway, Soviet Communist Party’s members, security agents, scientists, physicians, tenants of the neighboring housings, etc.

«The so-called «ruby» is the energetic «cork», a «cork» closing the energetic ways underneath the Almaty city from black energy, which had been pulled off by the people wearing the «protective suits» who opened the ways for the black forces. Those fiery spherical objects, as well as the other types of UFOs, are the «representatives» of the black forces. Indeed, the UFOs were searching this object because it was barring their way, so that after the elimination of the «plug» the presence of the UFOs over the Almaty had made itself more active and frequent, which «attracted» black energy. It was exactly after the year 1983 that the ecological environment in the city of Almaty abruptly got worse; the allergic and other diseases appeared and intensified, the December ’86 events occurred, the social problems, the criminal situation etc. worsened. Apropos, there are no extraterrestrials at all with their « flying saucers » – those are energetically black forces» (Galiya Kerey).

It is known that the UFOs appear within unfavorable zones; for instance, the «flying saucers» were seen at the moment of occurrence of the accident within the Chernobyl atomic power plant; they were seen several times in the sky of the Nagornyi Karabakh, Chechnya, Abkhazia and Southern Ossetia, within the Fergana Valley and in other localities, where the social conflicts took place. In Kazakhstan the UFOs were seen over Baikonur, Balkhash Lake, Northern Caspian Sea zone and other.

Concealing many the secrets of the Underground, including the time of beginning of the construction of the latter, the Underground building company’s management had literally let the Jinn into the underground’s tunnels, whence the black power may at any moment demonstrate its destructive might.

Dastan Eldesov

October 28, 2009.

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