After tsunami

Since the December 26, 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami there have been occurred such events in Antarctica, whereof people should know.

People suppose that the research stations available in Antarctica can help somehow. In practice they won’t be able to help. They themselves stand in need of help. They need to be taken out from there. And the sooner it gets done the better it will be. If people knew what is set to happen in Antarctica they would know what to do.

What does occur in Antarctica after the tsunami?

First, Supreme Powers call the December 26, 2004 earthquakes “repair of the Earth’s throne”. The throne of the Earth is the foundation of the Earth. Its repair is a needed reorganization in the interiors of the Earth.

As quoted: “We carried out repair of the Earth’s throne. By repairing the throne of the Earth we closed the major hole that was constantly triggering the earthquakes on Earth. Henceforth there won’t be destructive earthquakes”.

People do not know God and do not know what happened in Southeast Asia. Since 2002 the Moon has been conducted work in Antarctica in order to close hell-gate where all white energy, destined by God to the mankind, have been gone to. If you knew why the Moon carries out this work, you would also know that the Moon wants to deliver the Earth from flood. The ice sheet of Antarctica will sink. All the waters of the Earth will be replaced with new ones. The oceans will disappear. The Moon has talked about it for nearly two years. And it is already underway. However, after “repair of the Earth’s throne” the waters of the Mediterranean Sea and the Indian Ocean are already going to the reservoirs situated deep underground in the earth mantle, and from there, the waters, purified by God, are rising and going where it is necessary.

The water of the Moon or God is not holy water. The water of the Moon is healing water. Supreme Powers will carry out gradually the Earth’s waters replacement in order to avoid natural disasters.

People never knew God and were not able to offer any explanation for what is going on today on the Planet. It is the Moon or God that has all the explanations. According to the Moon or God, there was a need for the December 26, 2004, northern Sumatra earthquake to prevent more terrible cataclysms. This won’t happen again. But it is necessary to declare a storm warning for people. Another event will repeat: a new tsunami will be directed by Supreme Powers towards Antarctica. It is planned work of God that completes the preparation of the Earth for Purification.

Being purified people will learn Truth, and there will be created quite different energy and environmental conditions on Earth that will change human nature at last.

Nowadays the Moon is carrying out the main work in Antarctica which is aimed at preparing the Earth for Purification and creating the new energy and environmental conditions on Earth. This work has entered its final phase. The tsunami, directed by the Moon to Antarctica, will become a kind of accelerator of this work. The tsunami will break the Antarctic ice sheet and will separate its edges from the middle so that Antarctica will be quasi divided into three parts. Then a volcano will wake up, it will be awakened by God.

If you knew where the underwater volcano in Antarctica came from, you would also know that in the fall of the year 2002 I wrote that the Moon had directed the most powerful clot of space energy towards the ice of Antarctica and this clot of energy was called by Supreme Powers an energetic asteroid. The energy of this asteroid has turned into energy of the underwater volcano.

The Commonwealth Sea has become Sea of Commonwealth between the Moon and the Earth. When the Antarctic ice sheet breaks up into three parts, then people will learn that the volcano, appeared in the Commonwealth Sea, has stretched across full width of the ice sheet in the middle of Antarctica. If this underwater volcano didn’t blow up, it would be a mistake of God and trouble of all the mankind. But when the volcano works, people will breathe a sigh of relief.

All this is necessary for rescue, development and prosperity of people. It would be well if people knew all this was necessary for the Moon to close the tunnel of the other world that makes people enslaved by black forces and takes away everything God gives for people.

January 17, 2005

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