About Institute of Galiya Kazhgaliyevna Kerey

“The centre of the Earth is that place from where the life on the Planet originates.”

(Galiya Kazhgaliyevna Kerey)

Over the last years the colossal natural changes have been occurring on Earth, visible and invisible to humans, and quite often unexplainable from a science’s point of view. Even to the principal question: is global warming real and happening phenomenon, there is no unambiguous answer because the last winter was record as for snowfalls and frosts.

However, the truth consists in the fact that the magnetic poles of the Earth have changed their locations and the energy centre of the Earth has moved from Russia (Ufa Region) to Kazakhstan – Almaty.

Nowadays the «Garden of Eden», the Paradise Lost, is being restored, including the «Tree of Knowledge», that is the information link, energy-related channel with the Outer Space which existed in the ancient times within the territory of Kazakhstan but was lost because of the negative human activities. Since 1992 the Bio-energy Specialist from Almaty, Galiya Kerey, based on the information from the outer space, has been performing the preparatory activities aimed at organizing a new climate on the energy level. In recent years these bio-energy activities on the physical plane have passed to the practical realization, whose results are noticeable everywhere. In particular, the Eden’s rebirth in Almaty is energetically completed and already there are its first real signs and results.

The centre of the Earth is that place from where the life on the Planet originates. It is the centre of the Earth whence the bio-energy influence and the renewal of the whole Planet proceed: through their outer conductor, Galiya Kerey, the Heavens, Supreme Powers are ruling the Planet on the energy level. In order to give our readers to understand the immensity of the work carried out by the bio-energy specialist Galiya Kerey, we report below the information on Her Institute’s activities.

Principal activities of Galiya Kerey’s Institue using the extraterrestrial technologies and information from the outer Space include the following:

  1. History of cooperation with the Supreme Powers in the prevention of threats to the very existence of humanity (of the Earth).
  2. Geophysical, geological changes, reorganizing the Planet.
  3. Preventing natural disasters and man-made disasters.
  4. Changing the climate, weather and enhancing the environment.
  5. Activities aimed at neutralizing the negative energy affection in definite areas; eliminating the harm caused by the spaceport «Baikonur» and by modern dirty space technologies.
  6. Changing the quality of water, natural resources, plant and animal life.
  7. World economic crisis: commencement and causes. Using of the crisis for the economic system’s recovery.
  8. Causes of world economic crisis and ways of its overcoming. Financial center of a new civilization. New money, country of issue.
  9. Fighting the pests. Purifying the Kazakhstan by rains, regeneration of the soil and achieving a rich crop.
  10. Healing the diseases incurable for the modern medicine (AIDS, cancer, diabetes and other ones). Reaching the longevity unfixed.
  11. Changing the human physiology, consciousness, forming the harmonious people and the human society as a whole as an integral part of the Universe with observation of its laws.
  12. Explanation of mysterious natural processes and phenomena inexplicable from a modern science’s point of view.
  13. Laws of a new life.

Generally, the rebirth of primordial climate and configuration of continents, of original plant and animal life is going all over the Earth. As a result, there are occurring unprecedented natural processes and disasters which will cause social changes as well. Galiya Kerey’s Institute will inform about these changes and their causes.

March 15, 2003

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