Chardara and Astana are threatened by floods

Here is the information obtained from the level of Moon or God as follows… Creating a new climate on the Planet is accompanied not by “side effects”, as people could say, but by needed natural and weather phenomena that could be evaluate by people as abnormal.

There is a need for frosts in nature, against of God’s will, to hedge black masses’ activity and energy that impede the new climate creation. If abundant snows and rains were also necessary for nature, against of God’s will, it would be utter nonsense. But that is the very thing for nature to saturate the earth with water and to restore the rivers and reservoirs, a countless number of which will be everywhere in new conditions.

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After tsunami

Since the December 26, 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami there have been occurred such events in Antarctica, whereof people should know.

People suppose that the research stations available in Antarctica can help somehow. In practice they won’t be able to help. They themselves stand in need of help. They need to be taken out from there. And the sooner it gets done the better it will be. If people knew what is set to happen in Antarctica they would know what to do.

What does occur in Antarctica after the tsunami?

First, Supreme Powers call the December 26, 2004 earthquakes “repair of the Earth’s throne”. The throne of the Earth is the foundation of the Earth. Its repair is a needed reorganization in the interiors of the Earth.

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