The Aral Sea and People

We have repeatedly said that the Aral Sea will restore and return to its original shoreline. The restoration of the Aral Sea and its return to previous level had to happen in the overall context of climate change and natural environment. However, the process has been unreasonably procrastinated for too long.

The Aral Sea would restore much faster if people knew the Moon (God) and the fact that they have nothing to do with the restoration of the Aral Sea. About eight years ago we wrote that people were not allowed to touch the Aral Sea. All work needed for the Aral Sea restoration has been carried out by the Moon. People didn’t have to break nothing. People think that the Aral Sea disappeared due to environmental destruction. In actual fact, the Aral Sea disappeared due to intolerable energy situation. And energy is being controlled by only the Moon, Gods and the Forces of Light.

People have only contributed to the disappearance of the Aral Sea. The Aral Sea was a sanctuary for the military. There was no need to carry out the experiments on humans. There was no need to develop and test biological weapons. There was not to be located the Cosmodrome. The Baikonur Cosmodrome turned Kazakhstan into guinea pig and as a result, the Aral Sea had to disappear forever.

However, the disturbed energy tunnels of the Aral Sea were restored thanks to the Moon (God)’s work. This long and difficult process was completed in 1998. If since that time the Aral Sea has been «locked up» it would have been returning to its original shoreline over a period of three or four years. But under the slogan of saving the Aral Sea, people interfered in the system, constructed by the Moon, built a dam across shallow water, separating the Aral Sea into two parts, erected pointless structures and destroyed everything and when nevertheless the Moon managed to initiate the Aral Sea restoration, people began to think that they succeeded in doing it.

If people knew the Moon, they would know also the causes of the death of the Aral Sea. We wrote about Aral in a small newspaper that no longer exists. But at that time the newspaper was being read by all government officials. As far back as eight years ago we wrote that the Aral Sea was not allowed to be touched. If people had known that they should just expect and rely on Nature, it would have been fine.

If people hadn’t interfered in the Aral Sea with their environmental projects, they wouldn’t have destroyed once again the energy state of the Aral Sea, and then it would have been restored by 2001/2002 in the course of climate change. All these changes, as we wrote, had to start from the territory of Kazakhstan. If you knew what Kazakhstan means for our Planet, then you would know why there is a stable situation in Kazakhstan, despite the fact that in the head of the State there are people with black thoughts and black deeds.

There were illegal things done by people. This is the Moon’s and God’s opinion. When you knew that the Moon suffers from the Earth problems more than the Earth itself, then you would know that people never knew what conscience is. And then it becomes clear that people have never known God. There was no need to save the Aral Sea. There was a need to love and cherish it. The Aral Sea, like a small child, that needs to be taken care of his MOM. And the Aral Sea Mother is Nature. The Moon is its Protector.

The people’s plan was absolutely terrible. They wanted to divide the Aral Sea in half by dam. But the Aral Sea is not a tomato. If the people do it, the Aral Sea energy state will be sawed up in half. And then the Moon and Nature will have to restore the Aral Sea at the cost of numerous victims as inhabited coastal area will be flooded in an instant. The bottom of the former sea will be covered by corpses. The Moon is warning seriously about it.

We repeat: the Aral Sea will restore instantly, even the tsunami, that happened in South-East Asia in December 2004, couldn’t be compared with it. The Aral Sea will be filled with the waters of the Caspian Sea, and the Caspian Sea will join the other one that will be named “Em”. Have you believed us? Of course, not. And if we had told you beforehand about devastating tsunami that will occur in South-East Asia and cause a large number of casualties, would you have believed in it? No, you wouldn’t.

People must know the truth of the Moon and draw the necessary conclusions now. Tomorrow will be too late. The market wants one thing. The Gods want another. The melting Greenland, Antarctic and Northern seas’ Ice Sheet, the earthquakes becoming more frequent, floods and volcanic eruptions are evidence of oncoming global changes. Now the sixth Lunar Era is ending and the seventh Moon Era, the Age of Aquarius is beginning. Each Lunar Era was characterized by its own specificity and the ending of each Lunar Era is followed by change of the geophysical structure of the Earth surface. That is just what people call the Flood.

And when you knew that it happened not once in the past times, when there were few people on the planet and there were not technology at all, then you would know that now the Earth experiences such loads as never before. Draw conclusions from this.

March 22, 2006

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