It is necessary to close all archeological excavations

The trouble is that when archeologists rummage in the ground, dig out temples and sites of ancient settlement, then they pull up on the surface of the Earth what the Moon had been closing layer by layer and what was being rested under the ground during millenniums. As a result, what was wandering in the darkness during millenniums is pulled out and merged into Space. And the first blow from this part of Space infected with vices is given to people who are part of Space as well.

As a consequence of this, on the physical plane people receive all the diseases, natural disasters and fratricidal wars which took place in the past. When people dug as far as the dinosaurs they pulled up on the surface the heat of the Age of Reptiles.

The Americans in their past never knew wars and cities disappeared from the face of the earth. But they began to dig in all burial places of Buddha, to look for Inca and tsars of America, turned upside-down a great many burial places and temples and pulled up on the Earth’s surface from ashes all horrors of the past and rendered them component part of their life. In this way many diseases, such as AIDS, salmonellosis, jerboa (there is even such disease) have appeared in America. Tomahawk cruise missiles were not the causes of wars. The causes of wars were missiles tomahawk fallen asleep in tombs a long time ago. In order to give the quick a chance to live you must not pull up on the surface the dead.

It is not allowed to conduct excavation of sites of ancient settlement and burial places.

October 09, 2003

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